The BA can begin the process of defining, articulating, and
communicating project success criteria as soon as he/she has a strong
involvement in the requirements process and familiarity with the product and
the project context.
The attempt to define what kind of compensation between
competing demands the stakeholders are willing to accept are much more
important project success criteria than if the project should be delivered on
time, and within budget and with complete specifications.
Some people argue that the definition of success criteria is
the project manager role; however, BAs can carry out this task - because some
have the experience and knowledge to develop this activity.
Ideally, all
stakeholder analysis should be carried out jointly between BA and PM. In fact,
this is a more efficient and effective use for the success of the knowledge
project that BA has already achieved.
The BA can play an important role by acting as an "deputy
PM". Having BA take the lead role in defining success and stakeholder
analysis will allow another group of stakeholders to participate focused on the
project's decision-making processes. The relationship between PM and BA needs
to be simplified as these activities contribute to the rationalization process
and still help the project achieve its objectives.
As to the partner examination, there is no contention that it serves the PM and measures the PM's capacity to manage partners; be that as it may, we should see the PM and the BA as one substance—from data sharing among them, through consistency in dealing with circumstances, to sharing the assignment of overseeing partner desires in such way that will profit both the PM, the BA, and the venture in general.