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Reflection on Quality Change

Basically, a company like The North West Company, because they are spreading the company around the Americas, they can face a resistance adopting a quality program. For example, nowadays they are implementing some stores in Central America. We know that every single change produces resistance and sometimes sabotage. Some reasons for that are because in Central America other different languages are used but English. Another reason for that is people don't want to travel overseas. One more reason is that logistics in Central America are harder than in North America.

In order to avoid this situation basically the company should practice active listening to make people feel a safe environment in the company. After that, the management team is able to clearly show the benefits of spreading the company around the world.

The company will increase their profits, consequently it means long life to the company. For those who will need to travel compensations are going to be released. In addition, the Supply Chain will use the lean manufacturing process, six sigma and TQM principles in order to avoid the waste and always enhance their quality. It diminishes the fear about the unknown process and increase the chances of serve their clients providing the same excellent service that they have in North America.

Basically, this is an exercise of leadership to the management team.    


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